My name is Mariana
I am originally from the suburbs of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. I grew up being the oldest of 8 siblings from a blended family. My early childhood years consisted with many fights, alcohol bottles, and visits with my father in prisons. I know my parents loved me, but God was no where to be found at the center of our home.
After the passing of my little sister, my parents decided it was best to go their separate ways. My father packed up and moved out of the country. I remember begging him to stay, but he came to the conclusion that I was just one person. He had more family in Puerto Rico and preferred to be there. As a nine year old, the only words I heard loud and clear that day was, you're not good enough.
2 year old Mariana
Shortly after, my mother got a knock on our front door by a woman sharing the hope of Jesus to anyone who will welcome her into their home. Little did we know, this would be the start of God redeeming and healing my story.
When I was nine years old, my mother remarried to my step-father and they quickly grew our family of 4 to a party of 7 (not including having a sister from my father in PR). It definitely took some time getting used to one another. But God was in it.
As a little girl, I started to wish on my birthday candles that I would follow God's plan for my life. I never imagined it would look like this..
My 10th birthday
Our family started going to church every Sunday. My parents got me involved in Missionettes. This was a program similar to girl scouts, except it's focus was empowering young girls to share the gospel. As I got older, I got extremely involved with our church youth group. I remember signing up to be a Campus Missionary. I would hand out magazines that shared the story of the gospel throughout the pages. Little did I know, God was preparing me for my future.
My 28th birthday
My Missionette years
Unfortunately, as I got into my later teen and early adulthood years I started to turn to other things in this world. I began desperately searching for affirmation, validation and acceptance. This desire isn't a wrong want. I believe we were created to need these things. The problem was where I was looking and where it left me.
"Who is that girl?"
I clearly remember asking myself one night staring back at my reflection in the mirror. I was completely lost. I didn't know the person I had become nor do I remember how I got here. What I did remember was hearing that God was apparently in the business of redeeming broken people. I was a broken person.
A memory from a Sunday service came to my mind. There were guest missionaries whose work involved rescuing women from the sex trafficking industry.
"I want to do hair for those girls. I want them to know they are loved and beautiful."
That memory played over in my head. I had forgotten about that. I had this desire to love and serve these women, but I wondered how anyone could even get involved. And look at me? I've gone so far. How could God use me? I don't even know who I am. I cried out to God for the first time in years.
"Immediately, Jesus reached down and grabbed him (Peter) saying, 'you of little faith, why did you ever doubt?'" Matthew 14:31
This verse jumped out the pages of my bible that night. I knew God was saying He's got me. He will still get me there. Maybe, I just needed a taste of what it feels to be lost so I can have compassion to those I will serve one day.
I would be lying if I said my life went smooth sailing from that moment, because it definitely didn't. I did however, begin to take small steps to redirecting my life from my hands, into the hands of my creator.
I got involved with the church again. Joined young adult groups and surrounded myself with encouraging believers. One night at small group, a friend of mine suggested I join Youth With A Mission (YWAM). He explained the program and opportunity to travel, grow in my faith and possibly even use my trade skills as a means to reach people.
I searched bases worldwide and I discovered YWAM Pittsburgh, which 'happens' to be the only base to offer cosmetology track. I was ecstatic. This is it! My foot in the door to get that dream to come true...
Street evanagelism in Bogota, Colombia
La mayor parte de mi vida la pasé viviendo a 45 minutos de la ciudad de Brotherly Love, también conocida como Filadelfia. Crecà siendo el mayor de una familia mezclada con 7 hijos. A la edad de 7 años, mi madre y mi padre se divorciaron y mi padre se mudó del paÃs. Esto tuvo un gran impacto en mi identidad. Creà esta mentira de que no era lo suficientemente bueno para que mi padre se quedara. No me malinterpretes, sé que me amaba. Fue difÃcil crecer sin tener una figura paterna en mi vida. Poco después, mi madre se volvió a casar y luego comenzó este papel inimaginable de un hermano mayor. Durante mucho tiempo fui hijo único, por lo que la idea de ser un lÃder no era algo para lo que estaba preparado. Avance rápido hasta mi último año en la escuela secundaria y finalmente tomé la decisión de bautizarme. Sentà que realmente creÃa que Jesús es quien dijo que era y querÃa hacer mÃa mi fe. Desafortunadamente, eso no duró mucho. Rápidamente me consumà con vivir una vida para mà y el mundo. A través de esos años de vivir una vida no alineada con Dios, aprendà algo. Este mundo no tiene nada sostenible que ofrecer. Eventualmente, todas las riquezas se acabarán, tu carrera no traerá un propósito eterno y todas las personas te decepcionarán. Lamento ponerme triste, pero es la triste realidad de este mundo. En ese momento, yo era un peluquero que vivÃa en la ciudad de Filadelfia. QuerÃa demostrar que podÃa hacer algo con mi carrera. Seguà fallando. HabÃa perdido por completo mi identidad. Después de una noche dura, recuerdo mirarme en el espejo y preguntarme quién era ese extraño que me devolvÃa la mirada. Finalmente tiré la toalla y decidà volver a casa. Fue entonces cuando realmente comencé a comenzar esta búsqueda para descubrir quién es Jesús. Todo empezó a cambiar. Me di cuenta de que mientras los desafÃos de la vida seguÃan fallando a mi alrededor, una cosa permanecÃa constante. Esa fue la fidelidad de Jesús. Incluso cuando estaba viviendo una vida en completo rechazo a Él, Él estaba allà esperándome pacientemente. Me recordó los sueños y las pasiones que una vez tuve hace mucho tiempo y pensé que estaban muertas. Pasiones por las misiones y querer ser parte de algo GRANDE. Cuando comencé a dar pasos para vivir una vida rendida a Jesús fue cuando comencé a aprender quién es mi verdadera identidad. Una nueva creación. Amado. Elegido. No segundo mejor. Visto.
Mi iglesia local tenÃa varias conexiones con la Organización sin Fines de Lucro, Juventud Con Una Misión (JUCUM). Después de meses de oración, ahorro y planificación, Dios me guió a JUCUM Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Coincidentemente, tenÃan una escuela de cosmetologÃa para ofrecer dentro de su programa (utilizo la palabra casualmente de forma vaga, porque todos sabemos con Dios que no hay coincidencias). Completé mi Programa de Entrenamiento de Discipulado (EDE) que fue un entrenamiento de 5 meses sobre Conocer a Dios y Darlo a conocer. Los primeros 3 meses son una fase de lectura donde los estudiantes están en un salón de clases con los maestros. Se sumergen profundamente en el aprendizaje sobre el carácter de Dios, cómo escuchar la voz de Dios, capacitación en evangelismo y mucho más. Luego, los últimos 2 meses son alcances que se llevan a cabo a nivel nacional e internacional. Tomando todo lo que aprendimos y las revelaciones que experimentamos y compartiéndolo con el mundo. Tuve la suerte de viajar al hermoso paÃs de Colombia para mi alcance.
¿Puedo ser honesto contigo? Cuando me inscribà por primera vez en mi DTS, tenÃa toda la intención de terminar mis estudios y volver a la "vida normal" como estilista de tiempo completo en un salón. QuerÃa volver a mi ingreso estable, mi apartamento y, finalmente, asentarme. Ya sabes, la versión millennial del Sueño Americano. Bueno, eso no es en absoluto lo que pasó. Al final de mi escuela sentà paz al tener la oportunidad de vivir una vida que requiere total dependencia de Dios. Actualmente vivo en comunidad con aquellos con los que trabajo y tengo que recaudar fondos para mis ingresos. Una vida poco ortodoxa para alguien de veintitantos años, pero no cambiarÃa nada al respecto.
Desde que me unà a JUCUM Pittsburgh en el otoño de 2020, he tenido el privilegio de viajar a 2 paÃses (Colombia y Belice). ¡He sido parte de equipos que han tenido más de 1,105 personas que han venido a conocer a Jesús!
Since finishing my DTS experience, I have felt the direction to permanently pursue a life of ministry. My life has had so much fulfilment since. I constantly am meeting new people. I get to take bold steps and creativity to reach the people of Pittsburgh and other cities; nationally & internationally. Within the last year, God has used me to co-lead groups in the Bronx, NYC as well as Belize, Central America. In recent months opportunities have also opened to begin operating in the dream of working with rescued women.
Never under estimate the chapter you're currently in your story. God will see you through it. He is forever faithful to us, even when we struggle to be faithful to Him.